Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2015
Article Page : 220-226
Aims and objectives:To Study the prevalence of TB in diabetic patients in a tertiary care hospital in Hyderabad and describe demographic features, socio economic status of diabetic patients who are at risk of developing tuberculosis.
Methodology: Patient demographic details were obtained through a questionnaire. The sample size was 100 out of which 96 were enrolled for the study. All the patients with at least 3 TB symptoms were grouped as positive TB symptoms. They were subjected to further investigations (after obtaining their due consent)-random blood sugar and two sputum samples (spot-morning) were collected. Sputum samples were observed for AFB bacilli by Ziehl-Neelson staining using light microscopy. The other patients were grouped as negative TB symptoms.
Results:Out of the 100, 4 were excluded. 105 of the patients had positive TB symptoms. 60% of these patients had a random blood glucose level in the range of 171-210mg/dl.Gender, occupation, monthly income was not a major risk factor though age was and the age group at risk was 30-50. Family size and treatment was also a risk for developing TB symptoms. Symptoms were more prevalent in upper middle class. Family history of DM was not a factor for risk of TB. Past history and family history of TB did not affect the risk of developing TB.
Conclusion: It was found that the prevalence of TB symptoms was 10.4% among diabetics and prevalence of TB was 10%. TB symptoms were more prevalent with those on oral anti-hyperglycemic drugs.
Keywords:Sputum, Demographic features, Blood sugar level, Symptoms for tuberculosis
How to cite : Rao M, Shridhar M, K.pavani, Vinayaraj.e.v, Dass S M, Screening of Tuberculosis in Diabetic Patients at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Hyderabad. Indian J Microbiol Res 2015;2(4):220-226
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