Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2021
Article Page : 146-151
Background: HIV/AIDS poses a significant and one of the most genuine general well-being challenges. For HIV anticipation in the Indian scenario, the main plausible and financially savvy approach that can be adapted is proper training about HIV/AIDS and its various aspects. The present study was embraced to survey the degree of information and awareness about HIV/AIDS among clients attending ICTC facility in our hospital.
Materials and Methods: A total of 200 clients, of age >18yrs, attending the ICTC for HIV testing were studied over a period of 3 months. A questionnaire was prepared in regards to the methods of transmission, preventive techniques, mentality towards patient living with HIV/ AIDS and the source of HIV/ AIDS. The response of clients to the questionnaire was recorded.
Results: Among 200 participants, 97% were aware that unprotected sex is a mode of HIV transmission and 64% were aware that infected blood transfusion, use of unsterile needles and syringes contribute to other modes of HIV transmission. It was also noted that uneducated clients had a false perception that HIV can be transmitted by drinking water from same glass and by mosquito bite and this was statistically significant compared to educated individuals. The main source of acquiring positive information among the clients regarding HIV was observed to be television (32.5%).
Conclusion: Stigma among the general public was mostly due to fear of contracting the illness. There is a requirement for more noteworthy endeavours toward making data with respect to HIV/AIDS accessible to all. The level of awareness regarding HIV/AIDS needs to be elevated among the public.
Keywords : HIV, AIDS, Awareness, Education.
How to cite : Yashaswini M K, Archana Rao K, Sangeetha S, A study of HIV/AIDS awareness among the ICTC clients in a tertiary care center. Indian J Microbiol Res 2021;8(2):146-151
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Received : 09-02-2021
Accepted : 19-04-2021
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