Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 4, Year : 2016
Article Page : 342-351
Aims & Objectives:
1. To isolate and characterize the Candida species from various clinical samples.
2. To determine the spectrum of Candidiasis.
3. To determine the predisposing factors for Candidiasis.
Method: This Prospective Analytical study was conducted in the Department of Microbiology of a Teaching Tertiary care Rural hospital of Western India over a period of 1½ years after obtaining Ethical clearance. A total of 1438 samples submitted to department of microbiology for routine diagnostic work up were assessed. A detailed review of history & clinical findings was undertaken. Fifty isolates which fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for Candidiasis were selected, included in the study and subjected to a battery of microbiological investigations aimed at detecting, isolating, identifying and characterizing Candida sp.so as to determine the spectrum of Candidiasis.
Results: The incidence rate of Candidiasis in clinical specimens came out to be 35 per thousand samples per year. The species wise distribution of Candida isolates was C.albicans(42%), C.tropicalis(50%), C.glabrata(4%), C.parapsilosis(2%) & C.krusei(2%).
Conclusion: Results indicate a significant shift in the species causing invasive Candidiasis away from C.albicans to more resistant Non-albicans species which has important clinical implications.
Keywords: Candidiasis, Characterisation, Shift, Non-albicans sp., Germ tube test, Chlamydospore, Sugar assimilation test
How to cite : Mehta A, Date V S, Determination of incidence of different Candida spp. in clinical specimens and characterisation of Candida species isolates. Indian J Microbiol Res 2016;3(4):342-351
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