Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 87-89
Introduction: Diabetes is an important predisposing factor for fungal infections and causes significant morbidity and mortality. The study was carried out for detection of fungal infections in diabetic foot ulcers.
Material and Methods: One year study was carried out on 80 patients. Samples were collected with the help of sterile swab. Direct microscopy by 10% KOH and for cultures samples were inoculated on two sets of SDA, one set incubated at room temperature and the other at 37oC. Yeasts were identified by germ-tube tests, urease test, and sugar fermentation.
Result: Out of 80 patients studied, 68.75% were male and 31.25% were female. Fungal culture positivity was seen in 17.5%.The predominant fungus isolated was C. albicans 42.85%, C. tropicalis 21.42%, C. glabrata 14.28%, T. mentagrophytes 7.14% T. rubrum 7.14% and A. fumigatus 7.14%.
Conclusion: Fungal infections in diabetic patients if not detected and treated in time leads to the fatal complications such as foot amputation.
Keywords: Diabetic foot ulcer, fungal infections, S.D.A., Candida albicans
How to cite : Kalshetti V T, Wadile R, Bothikar S, Ambade V, Bhate V, Study of fungal infections in diabetic foot Ulcer. Indian J Microbiol Res 2017;4(1):87-89
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