Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 96-98
Introduction: Neonatal septicaemia constitutes an important cause of morbidity, mortality and fatality amongst Indian neonates. A remarkable feature of the clinical manifestation of neonatal septicaemia is non-specificity of symptoms, which creates difficulty in diagnosis of infection in the early stage.
Materials & Methods: 1-10 ml of blood collected and inoculated 10ml of Brain-Heart infusion broth. Sub culture on Blood agar, chocolate agar after 24 hrs with sterile inoculation loop (4mm) again after 48 hrs subculture on same culture plates and every day for five days. The organisms were identified by using different characteristic tests like, colony morphology, Gram’s stain, coagulase tests (both slide and tube) along with serological test procalcitonin test.
Results: Neonatal septicaemia was seen in 82 cases, in that 53 cases were males and 29 cases were females. 45 cases (male) were isolated in early sepsis and 07 cases (females) were isolated in late sepsis. Procalcitonin test positive were in 67 cases in which 56 cases were positive for both blood culture and Procalcitonin test, 11 cases were positive to Procalcitonin test only and negative for blood culture. The organisms isolated in this study were Gram positive bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Coagulase negative Staphylococci (CONS) and few resistance strains of Staph. aureus like MRSA.
Conclusion: A positive blood culture and PCT test are the only definitive and full proof methods of confirming the septicaemia. Hence, we conclude that in our study the best combination of tests in diagnosis for confirming neonatal septicaemia shows a high degree of sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive accuracy.
Keywords: Neonatal Septicaemia, Early Sepsis, Late Sepsis, Cons, PCT
How to cite : Umar N, Shahid S M, Mir B A, Gram positive organisms isolated from neonatal septicaemia. Indian J Microbiol Res 2017;4(1):96-98
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