Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 2, Year : 2017
Article Page : 203-206
Introduction: To compare the smear stained by ZN stain and culture on Lowenstein Jensen media for the diagnosis of tuberculosis from various clinical samples. It is a laboratory based retrospective study done at Viswabharathi Medical College, Kurnool from February 2015 to February 2016.
Materials and Method: A total of 604 samples were collected from patients suspected of tuberculosis clinically. Samples were processed by ZN smear staining and culture on Lowenstein Jensen media.
Results: A total of 604 samples were processed out of which 565 were sputum samples and 39 were extra pulmonary samples which included pus, lymph node aspirates, synovial fluid, and endometrial curetting. Pulmonary samples yielded 18.76% smear positivity and 20.88% culture positivity .Extra pulmonary samples were 7.69% smear positive and 15.38% culture positive. Overall smear and culture positivity was slightly higher in males than in females.21-40 years age group was found to be affected the most.
Conclusion: In our study we conclude that though Culture on Lowenstein-Jensen media is time consuming but it still remains gold standard for detection of tuberculosis. In some centres, more so in developing countries where advanced investigative techniques are not available smear and culture can be very useful in tuberculosis diagnosis.
Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Ziehl Neelsen (ZN) staining, Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) media, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Extra pulmonary tuberculosis
How to cite : Dasari S, Giddi S, Vara A, Sisira D, Smear microscopy and conventional culture on Lowenstein – Jensen media in cases of Tuberculosis - A comparative study. Indian J Microbiol Res 2017;4(2):203-206
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