Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 3, Year : 2017
Article Page : 346-348
Introduction: In Western countries, incidence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis is declining, while Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis has increased. In India increase of both forms is worrying health care providers. Tuberculous cold abscess of the anterior chest wall without involvement of adjoining structures like sternum, ribs, pleura and lung in an adult healthy, immunocompetent male is presented because of uncommon occurrence and fewer reports.
Case Report: A 59 Year old Type II diabetic male presented with 8x4 cm swelling over the chest wall which was not suspected for tuberculosis. The mass was fluctuant and tender and aspiration was done. The aspirated fluid did not show any specific finding in his FNAC report. No organism was seen in the gram smear and routine bacterial culture was sterile. CT scan showed fluid accumulation but no other lesions. However, Ziehl Neelsen staining report revealed the presence of AFB and the pus grew M.tuberculosis on LJ medium after one month. He was started on Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment (ATT) Category I comprising of Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Ethambutol and Pyrazinamide with a regular monthly review He has received a course ATT for six months and remains healthy without any recurrence over the past twelve months after the completion of his ATT.
Keywords: Cold abscess; Sternal mass; TB abscess, Mycobacterium tuberculosis
How to cite : Gandhi K, Govindan M, Selvaraj S, Menon S K, Tuberculous cold abscess of anterior chest wall. Indian J Microbiol Res 2017;4(3):346-348
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