Indian Journal of Microbiology Research


Table of Contents

Year-2019 | Volume: 6 | Issue 3

Antimicrobial resistance surveillance of various clinical isolates in a diagnostic laboratory- An observational study

Author : Chakrapani Kammineni, Naresh Yajamanam, Amarnath K Reddy, A. Mahammed Shafi, Sreekanth Reddy Basired

Doi :   Page No : 202-207

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (2345)] [Download (765)]

Analysis of epidemiological and demographic component of dengue in rural Puducherry - A hospital based study

Author : T Mangaiyarkarasi, R Gopal, Sunil S Shivekar, M Kaviraj, Rajprasath Rajaraman, R Balamurugan

Doi :   Page No : 225-228

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (2092)] [Download (764)]

Prevalence of non albicans candida species in a tertiary care hospital

Author : Y. Raja Ratna Reddy, M. Nissi Priya, B. Ramachandra Reddy, Manisha Singh, Vasanti Kabra

Doi :   Page No : 277-279

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1501)] [Download (597)]

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