Indian Journal of Microbiology Research


Table of Contents

Year-2016 | Volume: 3 | Issue 4

Comparative evaluation of a rapid test with ELISA for the detection of Dengue Infection

Author : Manmeet Kaur Gill, Amandeep Kaur, Sahiba Kukreja, Namrata Chhabra

Doi :   Page No : 405-407

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1738)] [Download (1113)]

Bacteriological profile and antibiotic resistance pattern of ear discharge in a tertiary care hospital

Author : Pavneet Kaur, Arvinder Singh Sood, Sarbjeet Sharma, Aruna Aggarwal

Doi :   Page No : 423-428

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1670)] [Download (633)]

Role of mobile phones as a possible source of nosocomial infections: A study in a tertiary care hospital

Author : Prasanna Chhagan Nakate, Mangala Prakash Ghatole, Virendra Ashok Kashetty

Doi :   Page No : 429-431

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1735)] [Download (589)]

Clinical profile of HIV/AIDS in geriatric patients seeking ART – A Longitudinal study

Author : Amit R Ugargol, Shilpa K, Katti S. M., Mallapur MD

Doi :   Page No : 479-482

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1877)] [Download (532)]

An epidemiological study of Tinea capitis in patients attending a tertiary care hospital

Author : Vikas Chandra Yadav, Mohammad Zoyev Khan, Sujan Narayan Agrawal

Doi :   Page No : 489-492

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (2054)] [Download (538)]

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