Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 4, Year : 2022
Article Page : 232-240
This review analyzes the epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of major bacterial acute febrile illness (AFI). Existing studies on the AFI is focused the viral AFI agents, some bacterial and parasitic infections. Based on published literature only few studies have been able to identify major bacterial agents of AFI or show the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of AFI. In this review we focused on the most important bacterial AFI agents, which may help to understand how pathogenic the agents are and how crucial it is to diagnose them as early as possible.
Keywords: Acute febrile illness, Epidemiology, Antibiotic treatment, Typhoid, Mellioidosis, Brucellosis, Rickettsiosis, Leptospirosis
How to cite : Saravanan N, Rajendiran P, Nandagopal B, Ramamurthy M B, Vadivel K, A review of acute febrile illness. Indian J Microbiol Res 2022;9(4):232-240
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Received : 14-10-2022
Accepted : 03-11-2022
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