Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 4, Year : 2022
Article Page : 283-286
Background: A team of doctors visited the Gasoo area of Batpora on 20-02-2020 to investigate the suspected outbreak of jaundice.
Objectives: 1. To verify the occurrence of an outbreak of jaundice, 2. To identify etiology of this outbreak and 3. To identify the population affected.
Materials and Methods: Two teams started from the center of village in two opposite directions and undertook house to house survey. Any person having the history of one or more of 5 symptoms/signs: yellowish discoloration of eyes or body, pain abdomen, vomiting, fever or history of hospitalization within past 1 month was considered for inclusion into investigation. Blood samples were taken for hepatitis serology.
Results: A total of 16 cases were examined with 9 of them males. History of Yellowish discoloration of eyes or body was the most common symptom (87%) followed by fever (81%). Mean Serum bilirubin was 3.4 mg/dl. Hepatitis A serology was positive in 7 cases out of 8 tested cases while as hepatitis B and C serology was negative in all the tested cases.
Discussion: As there was clustering of cases of jaundice in the area clearly in excess of expected, so the outbreak of Juandice was confirmed. The time, place and person distribution of jaundice pointed towards a water-borne hepatitis which was confirmed by laboratory tests to be Hepatitis A outbreak. Most commonly affected age group was 10 to 15 years.
An outbreak of jaundice was confirmed and it was found to be due to Hepatitis A Virus.
Keywords: Batpora, Outbreak, Hepatitis, Juandice.
How to cite : Taj R, Rather R H, Khan S M, Jan R, Wani A, Investigation of an outbreak of jaundice in a rural area of District Srinagar in Kashmir. Indian J Microbiol Res 2022;9(4):283-286
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Received : 15-11-2022
Accepted : 26-11-2022
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